Sunday 7 July 2013

Tigers and one horn rhinoceros


One of the rarest species of the world ' TIGER ' may became extinct in some of the decades . 
They are found only in some part of India , Asia and Siberia .The most rare of them is royal Bengal tiger found only in India .  
          Tigers are the largest spices of cat.They are weighted to 305 kg ,and have body length of about 11 ft . They are 3rd largest land carnivores . There are about just 3000 to 4000 tigers left and among them about 1500 are in India.
There were about more than 100000 tigers in start of 20th century , they are poached because of their skin.


         They are endangered species of earth and are huge in size .
The most rare of them is one horned rhinoceros , found only in India.
they are poached for their valuable horns and some foolish people believe that their horns have medicinal properties and are used for foolish Chinese medicine. 

one horned rhino                                        
                                                                                   double horn rhino